How to Grow Your Credit Score While You Drive a Buy Here Pay Here Car
You Can Get Financing at a Buy Here Pay Here Car Lot in Indiana, Even If You Have
Credit Challenges
Many of us have taken a bit of a financial
beating over the past few years, so it’s no surprise that lots of people are
looking to find ways to improve their credit scores. Your credit score dictates
many of the decisions that banks will make regarding the amount of credit you
will be offered for purchases like cars and property - and even landlords and
employers are starting to consider credit score as a gauge of how responsible
you are.
But how can you get a better credit score when nowhere will offer you credit?
It’s a catch-22, and those who find their credit score slipping can feel it’s a
vicious cycle. It’s unfair.
Buy here pay here car lots are the answer for many Americans. In
this guide, we’ll look at why buy here pay here car dealerships are solid
partners for those looking to improve their credit score and secure a
reliable used car.
What Is a Buy Here Pay Here Dealership?
For around 50 years, many Indiana used car
dealerships have operated slightly differently from the competition.
These buy here pay here car lots not only offer a large inventory of vehicles,
but they also handle the car loan financing in-house too.
In the case of a buy here pay here loan, you don’t need to arrange financing
from a third party like a bank or credit union. You always get financing from
the car lot itself, and you’ll make repayments to the same on a weekly or
monthly basis until your car is paid off and you own it completely.
Try to buy a big-ticket item like a car from
an outdated used car dealership with poor or no credit, and you’ll be turned
away. Large financial organizations use credit rating, a basic number that
attempts to sum up your experience with credit in the past, as the single
determining factor over whether they should spend time processing your
applications. Buy here pay here car dealerships are different.
Financing for All Who Can Afford the
Buy here pay here car dealerships offer a much
more personalized approach to financing. Quick Auto in Indiana is always
pleased to discuss your financial situation with you to ascertain the best
vehicle for you.
More importantly, we don’t base our decision on whether to offer financing
solely on your credit rating. As long as you can show you have the ongoing
funds to pay back your loan, we can lend you money for the used car of your choice,
as long as it fits your lifestyle and budget.
Buy Here Pay Here Near You: Rebuilding Your
At a buy here pay here car dealership, you can
finally get financing for the vehicle you need for work. But it’s even better
than that! Many buy here pay here car lots will report your positive credit
transactions - that is, your consistent, on-time payments - to the credit
rating agencies. So, as long as you repay your car loan on time, every
repayment you make will build up your credit. Yes - we will give you an auto
loan, and that loan can help you build your credit history.
This often makes a buy here pay here car one
of the first rungs on the ladder for those looking to get a great credit score
and improve their financial situation. You have to start somewhere, and showing
that you can make your car repayments responsibly results in a better credit
rating. This improved credit rating can later be used to get better interest
rates on credit cards, and it opens the door to getting a mortgage on a
property or renting a fabulous new apartment.
The Vehicle You Need at a Price You Can
Afford: The Buy Here Pay Here Formula
Beyond the direct and obvious benefit of
improving your credit rating through positive reports to the credit rating
agency, there’s no doubt that a great used vehicle offers a wealth of
opportunities for you to improve your financial situation.
If you have credit card debt or other monthly payments you must make, for
example, a vehicle can offer you more job opportunities with higher wages to
pay them off. You can use your new vehicle for self-employed work, contract
work, or simply to get to a wider range of career opportunities you couldn’t
feasibly consider without the convenience of a car.
Shop Our 7 Locations
Offering this access to financing to those who
need it the most is what makes our work at buy here pay here car dealerships
like Quick Auto in Indiana so rewarding. We’ve helped countless Indiana
residents get on track to financial success.
From new students who haven’t yet had the opportunity to build their credit
score, to married couples coping with a fluctuating property market, Quick Auto
does everything it can to help out.
Get in touch
with us today to see the wonderful pre-owned vehicles that could be